Not Just Any Seeds...

The same seeds I grow in my gardens…

Each one proven to thrive in your Revolution Garden!

3 “Lazy Gardener” Seed Blends!

Here’s how you use them:

These packs have a whole bunch of delicious crops all mixed together.

Why do I do that?

Because it’s 100x easier than pinching every single tiny seed and planting each one individually… Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Instead, I till up the soil by about 1/4″ inch.

Then I scatter the seeds into the garden, being sure to disperse them as widely as possible, leaving a few inches between each seed.

Cover them up, water, and boom! You’re growing.

Once the seeds start to emerge, if you planted them too close together you can always thin by removing the weak looking plants, leaving the strongest to grow.

It’s not the only way to start seeds, but it’s the fastest. Enjoy!

Here Are The Contents of Each Blend…

Explosive Greens Blend

Here are all the seeds you’ll find in this blend:

Lacinato Kale

Genovese Basil

Collard Greens (Georgia Southern)

Broccoli Raabe

Resilient Root Blend

Turnip (Purple Top White Globe)

Carrot (Parisian)

Radish (Crimson Giant)

Beet (Red Mammoth Mangel)

Pepper Mater Party

Pepper (Santa Fe Grande)

Pepper (Keystone Resistant Giant)

Tomato (Yellow Pear)

Tomato (Black Russian)


I hope you enjoy growing these unique non-GMO seed blends.

Got questions?

Drop ’em inside Master Gardeners Club!

Keep growing, 
