Basil 4 times larger than normal?
Mustard greens twice the size of my head?
Mustard greens twice the size of my head?
Finger radishes 6 times bigger than average?
Yes, it's all thanks to my trusty “Tiny Green Monster Machine”.
Now, I know some seasoned gardeners might be thinking:
Well, let's set the Gardener's Almanac straight, my friend.
Because when you bite into these 👆 giant, crispy radishes?
Crunch… Wowza!
You get that spicy kick you only get from a garden fresh radish.
My basil?
It makes delicious, Italian-grandmother-approved pesto.
Plus, my massive mustard greens aren't just big; they're bursting with nutrients and flavor.
And if that's not exciting enough, imagine doubling your growth speed too.
Because, yes…
Don't believe me?
It's OK. Most people dont.
Honestly, even I couldn't believe my eyes, at first…
That's why I set up a camera, and recorded the growth to prove it.
At the end of my experiment, I pulled out a scale to weigh the harvest.
Drum roll, please…
Sure enough, I got just shy of double the harvest, thanks to the 2x growth speed of my Tiny Green Monsters.
Both gardens you see above are the same size, using the same seed starts, planted at the same time. I even used the same soil...
The only difference? It's the Tiny Green Monsters, of course.
I know, it all sounds too good to be true.
But, you'll see how it's all possible, simply by using your noggin' and a little “garden science”
What I refer to as “Tiny Green Monsters” are actually…
A thriving colony of specific beneficial microorganisms.
It is crucial you have billions of these specific microorganisms if you want record-breaking harvests like me and my students.
… are 3 The Keys to the successful gardens you see on this page.
And no, you cannot just “add microbes” like salt and pepper onto any run-of-the-mill garden, and expect jaw-dropping harvests…
That's why I want to show you exactly HOW to get this specific colony of tiny green monster microbes churning out harvests at your house, using my unique (and weird) growing method.
Once you understand how to use Tiny Green Monsters, this is what “future you” looks like:
Sadly, most “average gardeners” simply don't understand how microbes, soil, and plants actually grow.
And that is why they have so many pest, weed, and watering problems.
Today, you'll kiss “average garden” problems goodbye, and start reaping double harvests, with half the hassle.
So, lettuce discover how Tiny Green Monsters eliminate ALL those “average gardener” struggles
They can't figure out HOW to get rid of them!
Luckily, it's simple when you understand how plants actually grow.Sadly, not one popular gardening book will give you.
The Truth About Pests.
That's why I recommend you…
Do you own any popular “pest management for gardeners” books?
Well, feel free to compost (or burn) ALL of them.
They are officially obsolete.
Because NONE of them address the root cause of pests.
Most average gardeners are using the bandaids described in these books...
They try spraying garlic oil, peppermint oil, and pepper oil…
But, none of them work very well.
The pests go away temporarily... then come back with a bigger appetite for your garden!
Average gardeners try neem oil, black pepper, diatomaceous earth, and even unicorn poop. They'll try ANYTHING to make the bugs go away.
Some will even get so frustrated they “Go Nuclear” and buy toxic pest-control chemicals.
Yeah, they feel embarrassed about it.
But hey, they're desperate.
Sadly, even the chemicals don't work in the end, because pests adapt very FAST.
None of these sprays (organic or chemical) work long term.
Because they never get to the ROOT of the problem.
So, what is the real cause of pests?
Simple… It's nutrients!
Here's a surprising garden fact for you:
Pests only attack plants that don't get the right nutrients.
Yes, read that again:
Pests ONLY attack plants that don't get the right nutrients.
I'm amazed how many gardeners still don't know this.
Especially when agriculture scientists discovered this a decade ago.
And here's the proof:
In a study published in Frontiers in Plant Science, they start by saying:
“Complete and balanced nutrition has always been the first line of plant defense.”
Then, they list the specific pests that show up when certain nutrients are missing!
And that's just one of hundreds of scientific papers on how plant nutrients and pests are connected.
Another 60-page report says:
“Plants with nutrient deficiency are more susceptible to disease and pests.”
If this is true… WHY are gardeners still spraying garlic oil?
Well, rather than bore you with science, I'll spell it out in plain English.
It's gross, but true.
Pests eat dead stuff and recycle it back into the earth.
What does this mean?
It means, if your plants lack essential nutrients OR they don't have access to correct nutrient balance, they will look dead to bugs. And, if pests think your plants are dead or dying, they WILL eat your crops.
Unless you properly balance the nutrients in your garden…
You might as well put up a flashing neon sign that reads:
And so, bugs strap on their bibs and chow down on your garden.
That leaves you pulling your hair out, frantically spraying so-called organic “solutions”.
The bugs eat your garden, and all your hard work is wasted.
For years, this pest and nutrients relationship was just a theory...
Today, we have scientific proof from agriculture scientists.
OK, that's the summary of why pests eat your garden.
The question is…
Well, Tiny Green Monsters help make your plants strong, vibrant, and immune to pests.
Because Tiny Green Monsters are “Master Nutrient Converters”.
When you add the right mix of raw ingredients to your Tiny Green Monster garden, the Tiny Green Monsters turn those raw materials into rich, plant-available nutrients.
Then… BOOM!
Your garden explodes with vibrant, healthy, pest-free growth, like this:
I give you my exact Nutrient Infusion for vibrant, pest-free plants inside my book, but first let's tackle the next “average gardener” struggle.
If you're pulling weeds all day, stop and listen. The weeds are trying to tell you something.
"Pssst… Your soil sucks. We love it. Thanks, Average Gardener! - Weeds”
It's sad.
If you're an average gardener, you're too busy to read the “love note” from your weeds...
Instead, you're on your hands and knees pulling and tugging.
You're buying fancy “as seen on TV” weeding tools.
Your back is killing you.
Gardening should not require frequent visits to your chiropractor, my friend.
Finally, at the end of the growing season, you wonder:
Even worse, some desperate gardeners will use dangerous chemicals.
Fed up, they go to Home Depot, buy RoundUp, and spray like crazy.
They spray...
They dance on the graves of weeds...
They eat… and they put their life at risk.
Because RoundUp causes cancer, and Monsanto knows it.
Pulling weeds? Fancy tools? Dangerous chemicals?
All a waste of hard-earned money...
All totally unnecessary!
Personally, I never weed my Tiny Green Monster gardens.
I listened to the secret message of weeds.
Their solution was simple:
I stopped the weeds by letting Tiny Green Monsters bring my soil to life.
This is so simple it will sound “too easy”.
Weeds need sunlight, just like any plant, right?
Naturally, the easiest way to get rid of them is to starve the weeds of sunlight.
When your crops grow bigger and faster, they outgrow the weeds and defeat them.
Because when your crops are winning the “growth race” - weeds don't stand a chance.
Your crops block out the sunlight choking out the weeds for good.
Here's what that looks like in my garden:
The key is:
1. You plant dense crops.
2. You guarantee your crops grow bigger and faster than weeds.
That's it.
Too easy, right?
Fact is, when you know how to properly set up my unique garden method that breeds Tiny Green Monsters like crazy - stopping weeds is easy.
Now, you're free from the back-breaking weeding.
You're not frustrated anymore.
"You just kick back, admire the abundance of your garden, and enjoy your huge harvests."
Kinda like my students, Rick and Steph, who get 100 pounds per harvest.
Wanna be like them? Well read on, future greenthumb.
Because if you're willing to invest the time to try something new, my book shows you exactly how my revolutoinary gardeners get such amazing harvests.
Finally, let's tackle the last (and most time consuming) average gardener problem.
Garden Slave: A person who waters all day, and never gets good harvests.
Summer comes...
The sun beats down...
Your plants wilt...
You rush out to the garden multiple times per day...
Desperately watering your plants… Every. Single. Day!
Weekend getaway with your spouse?
Summer vacation with the grandkids?
Forget about it.
You're chained to the average garden.
Because someone has GOT to water those plants, or else, it's ZERO harvest for you.
Watering isn't just an exhausting chore...
It actually reduces your yields.
It cools off at night, and your plants bounce back...
Or do they?
[scientific study of impact of wilting on plants]
Wilting stress slows growth, delays harvest time, and shrinks your harvest.
And I know what you're wondering…
“What if I water 5
times a day?”
Nope. It doesn't matter how much you water.
“What about shade cloth?”
Nope. That blocks essential UV light plants need for photosynthesis.
Besides, it's annoying to set up.
None of that stuff cools the plants where it really matters.
Here's my solution to hot, wilted, crispy crops…
The key to avoiding non-stop daily watering?
You must keep the roots of your plants cool.
This is very hard in an average garden, because the sun heats up the soil.
Many average gardeners will try mulch to cool down the soil.
This is a good start, and I do recommend mulch.
However, it's not going to keep the roots cool and stop wilting.
Here's what I do:
My Tiny Green Monster Garden Method has 3 Specific Layers.
The bottom layer is a Water Recirculating Root Zone.
This bathes the roots in cool water throughout the day.
This bottom layer keeps fresh, cool water circulating around the roots.
That decreases wilting...
That increases growth speed...
And THAT puts mountains of fresh, pesticide-free food on your kitchen counter, just like my students Rick and Steph in Missouri.
That state is SO hot, they actually call it “Misery”.
And yet, my Missouri students are getting 100 pound per harvest, multiple times per season from just four garden beds.
Important Note: You might think this is “just hydroponics” - it's not.
I did and taught hydroponics for almost 20 years, and learned a lot.
But, hydroponics means growing plants without soil.
And my Tiny Green Monster gardening method has rich, LIVING soil for vibrant growth and harvests.
This growing method goes beyond hydroponics for bigger harvests, less complexity, and a wider array of crops you can grow.
Fact is: Most average gardeners are wasting their time and money.
But, why bother with something that doesn't give you A LOT of food?
Well, you're about to discover how to consistently put...
IF you're tired of wasting time with the "average" low-yield garden…
IF you're willing to invest in your growing education…
IF you're serious about getting guaranteed harvests every season.
IF you're willing to do a little D.I.Y. project in your yard to get double harvests, by building a NEW garden…
Then I'd like you to join me and 15,000 other revolutionary gardeners in 22 countries enjoying double harvests with…
Here's everything you'll find in this full-color, step-by-step book.
On Pages 14 to 21 You'll Discover…
How to establish the “Automatic Self-Watering Zone” in your Revolution Garden.
Dial this in properly, your plants will grow on 100% autopilot and you're only watering your garden about once a month.
Congratulations! You've free to go on vacation without worrying about watering the garden.
You'll have to think of what else you'll do with your time now that you're not watering your garden multiple times per day!
Maybe you're just enjoying the beauty and abundance of your garden more often?
On Pages 22 to 23 You'll Discover…
Why my “Root Web Method” increases your growth speed, and boosts nutrient-density of your crops.
This is the secret sauce that makes your garden grow 2x times more abundant than the average garden.
Remember how much you harvested from your garden last year?
Now imagine DOUBLE that amount.
That's what my “Root Web Method” does for you, once you apply it correctly.
On Pages 27 to 31 You'll Discover…
The power of “Root Zone Hacking”.
Can you guess the #1 Factor that increases growth and vigor?
It's actually… OXYGEN!
Yes, believe it or not, dozens of scientific studies show maximizing oxygen to the root zone of plants is the #1 growth factor for all plants.
This section of the book shows you how to maximize root oxygen at and why that slingshots your growth speed to the moon.
No, it's not adding composting worms to make more tunnels.
No, it's not aerating your soil.
And no, it's not building “soil structure” with cover crops.
From page 67 to 74 You'll See…
How to make and properly apply my “Nutrient Infusion Technique”.
Plants LOVE this amazing, dirt-cheap organic fertilizer.
It only costs $0.25 and it dramatically boosts the growth of ALL your fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants.
I'm talking about the very SAME dirt cheap, 100% organic fertilizer that makes my mustard greens grow bigger than my head…
In this section of The Revolution Garden Method, I show you exactly where to find it, and how to properly apply it for non-stop harvests.
HINT: it's not manure, and you will never find it at Home Depot, or Tractor Supply, or any local gardening store.
From page 80 to 84… You'll Also Discover…
Why the “Nutrient Density Linchpin” is essential to successful harvests, without pests or disease.
This “Linchpin” determines the nutrient-density of your harvest.
Plus, it's the first line of defense against plant disease and pest infestations.
If you don't understand this, and keep an eye on it, your plants WILL:
1. Become nutrient deficient
2. Lack flavor when you harvest
3. Attract pests like an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet for bugs
All that can happen even if you fertilize properly!
Don't worry. I explain how to prevent those problems on page 78.
Pages 23 to 26 You'll Find
The Most Important Part of All…
Where to get your first colony of Tiny Green Monsters!
Plus, how to add them to your Revolution Garden to make sure your plants grow like CRAZY.
This section takes a deep dive into soil biology, going where no average gardener has gone before.
I show you where to obtain the specific types of tiny green monster microbes, that guarantee the incredible growth of your favorite fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
You just need to make sure they properly establish their colonies inside your garden before you start growing your plants.
Now, one more VERY important note before you order this life-changing gardening book…
Here's Why The Revolution Garden Method
Was Made For Serious DIY Gardeners
With all that said, 100% of my students say Revolution Garden is:
“Well Worth It!”
Honestly, I can't believe I have to say all this.
But hey, these days people want Amazon to deliver their toilet paper to their doorstep via drone, and have a robot do their wiping.
If you're lazy like that, then this growing method is NOT for you.
So, you SHOULD NOT order this book!
However, if you're OK with the above, this will be a breeze for you.
If you're excited about growing a shocking abundance of pesticide-free food at your house, I invite you to order a copy of my book + complete video training right now.
Now listen…
My students think the price of my complete training program is generous.
As my student Scott Older says:
“I think James charges too little for this knowledge.”
If you don't think so, ask yourself this question…
When you look at the insane clown world
around you…
Can You Afford NOT To Have
This Revolutionary Food Production Wisdom?
If you consider the skyrocketing food prices at your grocery store, it makes a lot of sense to get double harvests at your house.
Like my students Rick and Steph, who are getting 100 pounds PER HARVEST. That's worth over $720 in f-r-e-e food.
Clearly, the Revolution Garden book + training pays for itself - and then some.
For example, in one growing season, from just ONE 3x6 foot Revolution Garden you will harvest 18 pounds of food, up to four times per season.
That's up to $250 of free food.
Plus, these gardens last over a decade before they need to be “touched up” - that's over $2,500 of free food you grew.
The food you grow in Revolution Garden is guaranteed CLEAN.
And you might think:
“Oh well, I'll just buy organic at Whole Foods.”
Newsflash: This 2006 study from the USDA revealed even “certified organic” produce has “unsafe levels” of pesticides.
Good thing you're a smart greenthumb who grows your own food with Revolution Garden, protecting your health for the long haul.
Bottom Line:
These days, just one Revolution Garden in your backyard, overflowing with FREE food is the smartest investment you can make.
My students agree, and the tiny green monsters agree too.
Do you?
If YES, click the obnoxiously large orange button and join the Revolution Garden tribe.
But hey, if you think I'm fulla horse manure…
Take My Word For It!
Meet a few of my successful Revolution Garden students and believe them instead.
“I'm a terrible gardener... and LOOK at this!”
Meet Garret T. from Utah.
Revolution Garden brought Garret from “terrible gardener” town to the double harvest promised land!
“The lettuce, you can't even keep up with eating it!
Everything is growing like crazy...”
Meet Kristen from the Pacific Northwest.
She’s got all her favorites growing “pretty crazy”. She can hardly keep up with the lettuce it’s growing so fast.
“Tomatoes growing through the roof!”
Meet Oliver from South Africa.
He admits he’s “no gardener” but Revolution Garden has tomatoes growing through the roof of his greenhouse anyway.
“Worth much more than he charges for it...
It empowers people to take care of their food supply.”
Meet Scott Olner.
He put Revolution Garden to the test…
And looks like it earned an A+
Check out his amazing indoor mini-farm!
“"I was blown away...
Look at this spinach leaf... it's like one meal!"”
Meet Erik in Oregon.
He was blown away by his huge hand-sized spinach leaves.
His regular garden the spinach was tiny. In Revolution Garden, it’s massive… and clearly, delicious too.
“This thing just EXPLODES with abundance...
I haven't gone to the grocery store in two months.”
Meet Chris from São Paulo, Brazil.
He filmed this while under quarantine and was enjoying having his very own organic grocery store in his garage.
“It is just growing like CRAZY!
We have a very short growing season so I appreciate
Meet Christina B. from New England.
She loves how Revolution Garden rapid growth packs as many harvests as possible into her short growing season.
“The radishes were the largest I have ever grown.”
Meet Harold Stark from California.
Living in drought-struck California, Harold’s well was was drying up!
Revolution Garden to the rescue with 90% water savings AND massive harvests. Go Harold!
Revolution Garden and the Tiny Green Monsters really do give massive harvests, without the “average gardener” problems so many Americans struggle with.
Order The Revolution Garden Method and let's grow!
By the way…
There's one more handy thing I want to send you when you order today.
When you order right now, on this page only, I will send you a free starter colony of Tiny Green Monster Microbes for your Revolution Garden.
These are the same microbes harvested from MY thriving Revolution Garden.
And this starter colony jump starts your growth FAST.
There's no need to wait years and years to build good soil like most gardeners do.
Just add this starter colony into your Revolution Garden the way I show you, and watch your garden EXPLODE with life.
Yes, it's a small bag, but don't be mistaken… If you put it under a microscope, you'll find BILLIONS of tiny green monsters in this tiny little.
This Starter Colony free gift to you only on this page, and only if you order in the next 30 minutes.
Click the button below, claim your free Tiny Green Monsters and your Revolution Garden Method Book, and let's get growing.
Now, listen.
My students are serious gardeners.
They are not afraid of getting their hands dirty.
They are not afraid of that scary four-letter-word (W-O-R-K).
If you're serious about growing huge amounts of food, following my Method will be easy for you.
If you can handle DIY projects, The Revolution Garden Method will be a breeze for you.
So, if you are excited about:
Then strap a greenthumb onto your hand, and order now.
My name is James Fry.
It's my mission, and God-Given Purpose in life to empower you to grow our own life-giving food, in the easiest way possible.
Together, lettuce bring sanity back to humanity…
One backyard Revolution Garden at a time.
Click the obnoxiously large button ^ above, order The Revolution Garden Method book, and let's grow.
Keep growing,
James Fry