Americans have had the wool pulled over their eyes by food industry for the last 120 years…
But hey, it was easy to do considering that America is such a “bandaid” culture.
We love to cover up our problems with surface-level solutions (bandaids) instead of digging down and healing them at the ROOT.
Classic example: organic food.
“Oh no! Regular food is soaked in toxic chemicals! What ever will we do?”
“Never fear children, the USDA is here with our Organic Label (it’s a tiny little bandaid for vegetables).”
Yay! Now we can shop at Whole Foods and pretend everything is A-OK. Whew!
Yes, thanks to Canadian media (as if anything like this would ever be allowed in American mainstream news) we now know that 50% of produce labeled organic and sold in America is contaminated with harmful levels pesticides that exceed USDA and EPA regulations.
Yup, you’re paying double to eat pesticides anyway.
If you want more proof, check out this document published by the USDA (the folks who run the organic program).
Sure enough, on page 6 (highlighted below in yellow) it clearly states:
So… Why Are Certified Organic Foods Covered in Cancer Causing Pesticides?
It’s simple how it works, really…
It’s called Pesticide Overspray.
1. First, a big monoculture Monsatano-style farm sprays their crops with cancer causing pesticides.
And yes, for any Monsatano funded trolls reading this, there is overwhelming scientific proof that pesticides do cause cancer.
2. Next, the wind picks up the pesticides and blows them around…
3. The Pesticides land on organic farms, contaminating the crops.
NOTE: Typically organic family farms are run by hardworking, dirt-loving stewards of the Earth who try their darndest to produce quality food… but Pesticide Overspray contaminates their crops.
Organic farmers are NOT at fault.
What’s most concerning is that people don’t know this is happening (and that’s why I’m writing this article).
The wool has been pulled over our eyes.
We’re led to believe organic food is safe…
But it’s not.
I call it The Great “Organic” Food Hoax.
Organic label produce is no different than conventional produce because it STILL has pesticides on it.
LOL Seriously? The USDA Straight Up Allows Pesticide Produce to be Sold as “Organic”…
Of course, the USDA knows that pesticide overspray is unavoidable and impossible to control.
Get a load of this…
This is an excerpt from the USDA report featured above:
“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes the maximum allowed levels of pesticides, or EPA tolerances, which may be present on foods. Although most EPA-registered pesticides are prohibited in organic production, there can be inadvertent or indirect contact from neighboring conventional farms or shared handling facilities.
As long as the operator hasn’t directly applied prohibited pesticides and has documented efforts to minimize exposure to them, the USDA organic regulations allow residues of prohibited pesticides up to 5 percent of the EPA tolerance.“
No doubt, it’s gotta be tough to control pesticide overspray in a country where 95% of all farmland gets sprayed with pesticides and 1 billion pounds of pesticides per year are applied…
But that does not make it OK…
Pesticides are extremely dangerous, even in extremely low-level doses.
Similar to radioactive molecules, pesticide chemicals can actually become more dangerous as they break down.
This study from UCLA concluded that 11 commonly used pesticides increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 80% even in very low concentrations.
PERSONAL NOTE: I have a close friend who suffers from early stage Parkinson’s disease. This friend struggles to function normally every day… I kills me to imagine what will happen as the disease progresses.
So… I just popped your organic bubble.
Now, how can you eliminate toxic pesticides from your food supply?
Can you avoid being contaminated by these lethal poisons?
Answer: YES
The Solution That Heals Pesticide Contamination at the Root
But it will involve a shift in behavior and mindset.
No longer can you regard the grocery store as a place for safe food.
Instead, you have to step up and take 100% responsibility for your food.
You have to take Extreme Ownership of your food.
By growing it yourself.
Sure, growing all of it yourself on day 1 is a tall order.
But you have to start somewhere.
Even growing some of your own nutrient-dense food will help keep your body free of carcinogenic pesticides and agro-toxins.
Practical Action Steps to Pesticide Free Living
Step 1: If you don’t have a garden yet. Start one. A simple 2 foot by 2 foot wood on your patio will do. Or try container gardening.
Step 2: If you have a single family home with a backyard, learn about Backyard Homesteading.
You can produce enough food for a family of 4 (or more) on ¼ acre.
You can produce even more than that if you use some of the methods like The Revolution Garden I’ve developed and share here on Planet Grow Everywhere.
Look how fast it grows:
For ALL the details on The Revolution Garden, watch this short video clip now:
Get Access to The Revolution Garden Online Training Right Here
Offer ends April 11th 11:59pm MST so register now!
Step 3: Form relationships with other gardeners, market gardeners, and farmers in your area.
How? Visit the farmers market and talk to people selling things.
These people WANT your business and you WANT their fresh food.
My favorite part about this is that you can trade and barter goods or services, thereby cutting out Federal Reserve Dollars (an instant 50% savings because you’re not paying any taxes on the transaction).
Look for sellers who are growing in greenhouses and located in areas away from conventional farms where pesticides are applied.
Your Best Bet to Eliminate Pesticides…
However, the best way to eliminate pesticides from your diet is to grow it yourself at home. You’ll know for a fact it’s clean.
There’s nothing more satisfying that growing your own clean, nutrient-dense produce and sharing it with your family and friends.
As always, keep growing
I Love it!
Shortly, I am scientist from Poland. I find this project very interesting and forward looking.
I have been poissoned during beeing organic. I meet on my way a good doctor who told me about pesticides flow.
I wish you all the best!
I knew that organic produce can be contaminated with pesticides, but I feel that the more organic food is purchased, the more farmers will be motivated to go organic and then less farms will be using pesticides. Also, if the soil if being properly built, the organic produce should be higher in nutrients.
Hey Kristin,
Thanks for your comment here!
Yes, some farmers are making the transition to regenerative practices for a variety of reasons. But as long as farm subsidies exist the incentives to switch for large farms will be unattractive. Part of the issue is that the US has some of the cheapest food prices in the world… Another part of it is that farms are being bought up by the thousands of acres by big ag conglomerates, centralizing and driving prices down. But that is a different blog post 😉
Democratics want to give money to dead beets that are worthless and don’t work. Democrats want communism.
They want communism? Since b before commie Clinton they have followed Hitlers doctrine to the forcing the USA into a Nazi state. Thats George Soros, Warren Buffet and Tom Steyers becoming our Nazi leaders with whites being their target instead of Jews. Those three billionaires wanting to go down into history as the ones destroying the USA. With an aim at becomming the first trillionaires. They own the democratics “nazi” party lock stock and barrel.
Yes many have known this for years. I limit what I buy in the store and generally purchase mine at the growers market and grow my own as well.
We live in a toxic environment here in the USA. The EPA FDA etc have been infiltrated by those who want to destroy any government regulations and humanity can just die, all for greed. Today its worse than ever with Trumpism bent on turning us into a Fascist state.
If you’re at all involved in the organic movement, most of us are aware of the problems with overspraying and the government’s prefential treatment to large scale farming industry & chemical companies.
Growing your own food is great, but not everyone is able to. I used to grow a lot of food when I lived in Colorado, but where I live now in SD, its much harder. Thats why i started a farmers market, a very small step.
I agee with the comment above that the more consumers purchase organic the more farmers will start moving in that direction.
Electing & supporting honest politicains whom can try to change the loopholes in congress is an important strategy as well.
Educating the public is important too. It great that you shared the information, but I think your title was a poor choice. People whom aren’t educated will read that title and automatically think it’s a ” hoax” like organic farmers are trying to rip them off and never read the entire article. I hope you will consider giving this an alternative title.
Basically, there is not just “a one shot solution” we have to do everything we can to continue to move toward healthier solutions.
Having read this I believed it was very informative. I appreciate you finding the time and energy to put this informative article together. I once again find myself personally spending way too much time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worth it!|
James, your statement is wildly inaccurate. You said, “50% of produce labeled organic and sold in America is contaminated with harmful levels pesticides that exceed USDA and EPA regulations.” But it’s not 50%, it’s 4%. I suggest you read the report more closely & issue a correction. On p 3 it says, “Of these 571 samples, 96 percent were compliant with USDA organic regulations (see Figure ES1). This means that the produce either had no detected residues (57 percent) or had residues less than 5 percent of the EPA tolerance (39 percent). Four percent of the tested samples contained residues above 5 percent of the EPA tolerance and were in violation of the USDA organic regulations. The findings suggest that some of the samples in violation were mislabeled conventional products, while others were organic products that hadn’t been adequately protected from prohibited pesticides.”
Hi Clove, please refer to the article from the Canadian media story linked above. Separate study.
The USDA study merely reveals an admonition from the USDA that pesticides are present and in their study they found less.
Again, ANY amount of pesticides is extremely dangerous and detrimental to human health as evidenced by the UCLA studies (and others).
Nothing wildly inaccurate here.
Hello! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after browsing through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Anyhow, I’m definitely delighted I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back frequently!|
Too bad you turned a serious subject into a idiotic rant to promote yourself. Is most organic food a fake, sure, but I have yet to see REAL organic food 100% more costly than regular. I grow much of what I eat and sell some of my canned goods. I use ZERO chemical, including those the USDA says are fine for organic. So how about you attack the people who need attacking: HINT the USDA. And what the heck does your opinion of Trump have to do with anything. Obama did zero to protect the food supply during his EIGHT years. Did you attack him? Plus, if you knew anything about history you would know that the group using fascist tactic that would have me Mussolini proud, was and probably still is, although the are now saying nothing the ANTIFA group which opposes Trump. Plus the Nazi party call itself “The National Socialist German Workers’ Party” guess who is the Socialist group here. I’m not a fan of Trump but I am less a friend of anyone helping kill off the US population with scared tactics to make himself some money. Go ahead and delete this, I don’t care it is mean for YOU.
Hey Carmen,
Thanks for your passionate comment here and I’m thrilled that you’re growing your own and canning, way to go! More than happy to publish your sentiment here publicly.
My idiotic rant here is meant to show people that they can and should be making a shift more towards HOME food production and self-reliance because the industrial food system does not work. It’s flawed at it’s root.
If the readers of this blog choose to use some of my time-tested growing techniques and tips, wonderful. Or, they can use their own ingenuity. Doesn’t matter to me as long as they DO IT.
Have a lovely day!
(For the record, there is no mention of politics, politicians, or any other media-engineered soap operas mentioned in this article. Not sure where you got that… perhaps a comment from another reader.)
James, contamination from drift is not a hoax. I think I have had drift on my organic gardens. Would you suggest that I not eat any of the food I grow when that happens?
The current imperfect organic certification system allows many people to get most of their food (57%) with zero residue, most of the rest of their food (39%) with 95% less residue than the conventional limit, while supporting farmers to stop poisoning the environment. What’s not to support?
Do you press your own oil? Ferment your own soy sauce? Make your own butter? Almost everyone will buy some food, and I it makes sense to me to work for the best system possible to support farmers to grow the cleanest food.
The report you cited as “proof” of the 50% says 96 percent were compliant with USDA organic regulations, 57% with no detected residues. Only 4% were above the legal ORGANIC level, which is 1/20 of the legal conventional level. This study was done in the US, not Canada, and the methods were better than the Canadian study.
96% is pretty good.
I never said it was.
The point here is that average food eaters can’t go about thinking all our problems are magically solved just because they’re “voting with their dollar” buying organics. The point is that we need to make a shift at the root of our food system instead of trying to bandage the broken system.
That shift looks like localized regenerative farming and market gardening where pesticide use is neither necessary, wise, or economically sound. For it certainly isn’t ecologically sound for any plant, bug, animal, or human.
“96% is pretty good” – sorry, but I refute your response. No, it is not pretty good and it is not OK.
ZERO pesticides is pretty good. Pesticides in any concentration are poison. It’s simple.
We can only get there if we agree it’s not acceptable… For in all areas of life, you get what you tolerate.
This article and all comments represents for me a good example of the best that America can offer to the world. First, it’s a serious study (it doesn’t matter, in principle, whether what it says is right or wrong as anyone can post a comment on it that, even if it’s critical with the arguments exposed, it’s published, so anyone reading it can decide what’s right and what’s wrong for him/her).
Second, it helps to focus people’s mind on finding a solution to a concrete and fundamental question for all living things, that of staying alive and healthy as much time as possible.
Very well said, Manuel. Thank you for sharing your perspective.
Wow James.People sure are not reading through your posts accurately.Either they want to argue or they are misunderstanding everything you say.Not sure what the heck they are doing.But I appreciate the info.
Thanks !
Hey Stephanie. I know right? They probably just get TRIGGGERRRED and start hammering away on that keyboard. Alas, I’m here to steer manure them straight.
It`s good to hear that others are concerned about the quality of our food. One farmer I know lets the weeds grow to help absorb the pesticides that float in from other farmers.
Hey Helen, thanks for sharing. That’s actually an interesting strategy. I wonder what types of weeds would be best for the job… Perhaps they could be planted as a barrier similar to a wind break.
Appreciate the recommendation. Will try it out.|
Well, James, your IF your intention is to encourage home grown veggies, you need someone to teach you how to present the topic! Your approach is an ignorant rant, and knowledgeable folks would not even read past the first page. Get a grip on how to market/present an important topic.
Meh, I think I did a good enough job of presenting the facts in a concise way. I’ll let you know where to send the firing squad. Keep growing.
I participated in your live online Master Permaponics event. It was great! Last week I went to a retail aquaponics business and priced out a grow table, pump, resevoire etc. I want to put the system together. Now I see the online offer. Looks like you’ve some new insights and I’m eager to utilize them all. I am very interested also in the composting systems and the techniques to create soil amendments.
Good to see you’re creating an even better system. It sounds fantastic!
We out here in Tucson,AZ watch Monsanto closely. They have taken a very low profile and sold out to Bayer. We have Native Seed Searches Seed Bank out here and view Bayer/Monsantos actions as a purpose without a need.
Glad to see you are aware of the situation.
Please let me know how I may obtain/participate in your LATEST AND GREATEST info!
Very nice article, just what I was looking for.|
Thanks to the terrific manual
James, I find it odd that such an elegant and simple presentation has attracted such caustic responses. There is great fear, suffering and projection in the world these days, it would seem, but hopefully many who are absorbing what you have put together are doing so intuitively and constructively, with a view toward aligned, constructive and simple action. Thank you for offering empowerment and knowledge to people who want to experiment with ways of being more self-reliant in (and more connected to) food production. Looking forward to using your program to improve production at my homestead a little South of you in Manitou Springs.
Chris Dwyer
The White Yarrow Homestead
Manitou Springs
Thank you, Christopher. Accurate assessment. Probably a combination of projection and lack of patience to actually read the words on the page LOL. Best of luck to you in your growing endeavors!
Thanks for the great manual
This is Gary from
I’m emailing you today because we just updated our article on uses for Neem oil in the garden.
While researching the topic of natural pest control, I noticed you linked to:
in your post here:
Did you know that safe, all natural neem oil is banned in the UK!
The article might make a nice addition and resource to your page. What do you think?
Review the article at:
If you have any suggestions to improve the article please let me know.
All The Best,
So I am reading your website here. You are suggesting a method that grows food faster and bigger. You are also highlighting the fact that, ideally, we should take responsibility to grow all our own food. My question is whether your method could be adapted to grow a lot of food. It looks like it is more for a backyard or suburban dweller having a few grow boxes and having a good hobby. So is it possible to have a more serious system that realistically can grow all your food?
Hey Diane,
Absolutely. The growing method I’ve developed for annual vegetable production can be done in a market garden or farm scale with some slight adaptations. For example, the beds can be 4-6 feet wide by up to 20-30 feet (maybe more).
Now, as far as growing ALL your food, this is a major undertaking, but can be done. I host several other trainings that go more in depth on converting your yard (suburban or rural) into a foodscape that over time become self managing and incredibly abundant.
Please email for more details.
I really liked your article and the comments plus responses. With the covid shutdown I am spending a lot of time on YouTube gathering info and expanding my practice and thought. What about herbicides and other chemicals? Grow lights, urban vertical gardening, micro green production and expansion of thinking about food waste and better utilization? I have been trying to learn how to cook more of what I can grow and learning how to grow more of what I like to eat and reducing time and waste in food production. Lots of things to work on and to share. Thanks for your contribution.
Diane, I have been a hobby organic grower since 1992, and I can tell you plainly that you can grow enough nutritionally compact vegetables for a family of 4 with approximately 100 square feet, by using the “Square Foot Method” of planting, which is also known as “Bio-intensive Farming” practiced by the French.
Row gardening is designed for machinery, which is a waste of 50 percent of the real growing space available, and consequently, using much less water than mechanized farming.
One needs to understand the nature of any industry–it is all about ROI, or “return on investment,” which means, at least for the corporate farms–profits.
I suggest making even a small effort as suggested by James, because your return on the investment will outweigh the trips to the doctor, along with drugs to counteract the effects of our contaminated foods. One organic grower put it this way when a potential patron was trying to justify the prices asked for the farmer’s organic produce, he stated, “You can pay me, or you can pay your doctor.”
Solid assessment, Mark. Thanks for your contribution here.
I would like more information
Speaking of percentages. If your intention was to start a conversation, then you achieved 100% success. After reading some of the comments, I gather that some of the sheeples do not appreciate your tongue in cheek humor nor recognize your passion for getting people off their compl(ass)ance and actually do something about helping themselves. Anything!
I suggest you italicize your answers as some people can’t seem to follow the conversation and others want to politicize everything.
I also happen to know a few folks that write those government reports. They’re not always accurate but they’re a start.
Does this system use any commercial fertilizer?
how about worms?
Hey Clifford, my growing method doesn’t use any commercial fertilizer. Only a handful of organic amendments. And YES, lots of worms!
I really enjoyed reading all of these thoughts and ideas. I will follow this and when I have more time will reach out with my thoughts.
Hi! James,
I am planning to get into commercial fresh produce farming and was planning to erect a Green House of around 5000 sq ft and using vertical NFT system. I am from Goa, India would it be feasible for me to switch to your system.
Can you give me any additional information especially about fertigation and growing media in your system and will i be able to propagate the micro nutrients and can i use mix plants as in fruiting and leafy veggies at the same time.
Thanks and Regards,
Joseph Oliveira
I have important question, i would like to know if your technic can use for big commercial indoor farms .
My plan is to use 7 or 8 levels per racks.
Thanks a lot
Hey there,
Yes 100% you can do this in a stacked commercial implementation.
Just make sure you have enough space between racks for plant growth and lighting and make sure you ventilate heavily.
i like learning organic farm in my basement if it possible
it is great idea
thank you for information i lie learning this idea and skill
yeah true …but what i have noticed i africa has the best favourable land and climate for growing organic food …but the problem with us we got land but still in the 3rd world ,,and need people like you we form an alliance …we produce land an you produce inteligence and well join together and get a equal share..we feed the world as one hand …for example i own 16hectares of arrable land (good soil) with water.. and i would like for a project where by we do this project on a larger scale..hope im not provoking ..but this project you developed the future….thank yo
Hey Daniel, I think this is an excellent idea to fairly and equitably engage in wealth redistribution. I envision projects where Westerners can invest in communities like yours and everyone benefits.
Thanks a lot for your answer,
I already calculate ventilation, distance and light.
I see your message too late, and try to buy your training tiny green monster but it’s close.
How can i buy it please. My project start soon, i really need it
Thank you
A wise farmer buys the best seed corn and share the same with his neighbors. Because he understands cross pollination and the negative effects it can have on his yields if the neighboring farmers planted low quality corns.
However, a case for pesticides is a rather tricky one.
It’s hard to grow pesticides-free crops even in your own garden.
Well, unless your land is located far from commercial farms using chemicals, industrial sites, and heavily polluted cities and commercial farms.
Great post. I was checking continuously this blog and I’m impressed! Extremely useful information particularly the last part 🙂 I care for such info a lot. I was looking for this particular information for a long time. Thank you and good luck.|
I’d like to introduce you and the followers to Don Tolman and The Ancient Wisdom of Fasting. This 30+ minute interview will inspire you to begin a Fasting protocol and eat regular food cleaned with only apple cider vinegar. Don talks about his neighbor Norman Walker who was a professor of agriculture and chemistry at Arizona State University (start @ 21.00 on video). You may not believe the outcome between the spectrometer analysis of the organic and regular food. Please click on the link below to see the inspiring interview.
Enjoy Michael W.
Very cool! Can’t wait to check this out.
I’m fascinated by fasting (weak pun, I know).
I recommend the documentary The Science Of Fasting and researching the breatharian movement, specifically Ray Maor in Israel. Preeetty interesting to say the least.
We can’t avoid toxins. The best is to detox your body regularly with fasts and coffee enemas along with growing your own vegies ofcourse.
Sadly, I agree.
I wanted to take a moment to commend you for your patience while responding to the Regina’s, Carmen’s, and the one person who was not brave enough to list their actual name and just put C. You see James you could have presented the most informational video in the history of earth, and these folks would still be right there in your comments. Just waiting to feel superior by bashing another person and becoming a true keyboard warrior. It’s called self doubt, anger, and generally presenting loser behavior. You keep doing what your doing, the message will get out. The keyboard warrior tribe will go back to hating themselves and find another target soon enough. Have a wonderful day. Oh yeah, let the haters start their rants now! I know the comments will be about how ignorant i am and generally bashing every word I’ve written. What they don’t know however, I look forward to every word of it.
Hahaha thanks, Jeff! I couldn’t agree more.
To be honest, we get SO much hate mail on Facebook (the ultimate cesspool) I have to have my team curate it and delete most of it… Which, is pretty sad because I’m honestly trying to share good information and help people. You’re right. The “trolls” have nothing better to do. Keep up the good vibes, Jeff 🙂
Good coverage–how organic is organic? I might add, in case there are many unaware, In Kern County, in the hub of the agricultural area, Chevron is selling fracking waste oil water to the farmers, coming from Cawello Water Dist. Just check on “search box, Chevron Oil selling fracking waste oil water to the farmers.” There is no regulation on water, therefore, it can be labeled as organic. Check the video and see the products listed as organic.
Hey JoAnn. OMG. That is terrible.
Just makes me want to work harder to get people growing their own at HOME where we KNOW what goes in.
Greate article. Keep posting such kind of information on your blog. Im really impressed by your site.
” It’s hard to grow pesticides-free crops even in your own garden.” I do. I use garlic and cayenne pepper spray I make…and my half acre is pretty much all garden Hydroponically.
Subsequent to the information supplied here, there is another systemic problem that will effect every farm as long as we continue to use poisons–I recently read a report that 77 percent of the rainfall in Louisiana contains glyphosate, for which there seems to be no escape from at least some contamination, not too far off from Covid-19 that effectively and done on purpose contaminated the entire planet–why–this platform is not the place for that particular discussion, but trust me, we are deep do-do.
Hey Mark. I couldn’t agree more. And that’s pretty scary to hear about the glyphosate, doesn’t surprise me one bit. For me, the only solution is to become as self-sustaining as possible, share the surplus with local community, and teach others. Keep growing, Mark!
James, I understand your motivation to burst bubbles of those who believe organic produce is 100% chemical free, because it’s not. But I wouldn’t say it’s really a hoax, especially since the intent is there to provide clean produce based on their organic farming practises. Most people are still better off with organic produce than nonorganic if they can’t grow their own. We understand there is overspray, but oversprayed crops still have far less pesticides sprayed on them than non organic produce does.
A good reason to grow our own crops now is due to the possibility there may be food shortages in the very near future with the economic fallouts from this pandemic. Farming ourselves is a great way to be self sufficient and empower ourselves during times like these.
How do you get rid of poison ivy without poisoning the land?
James, in March I bought your Revolution Garden Complete Kit Single Bed and have just now fully assembled it and planted seeds. Everything works as you promised, however the bag with the tiny green monster sticker on it where do I use it? In the water reservoir?
Loveeee it!!…
I just want to say thank you for this great website. I found a solution here on for my issue.
Thank you for keeping us informed and for the tips that could help us survive the hard times that are on the way. I only have a small garden trying to teach my great grand children to love the earth thru gardening but I am adding another small raised bed. mp.
Hey Michael Patti . I couldn’t agree more. And that’s pretty scary to hear about the glyphosate, doesn’t surprise me one bit. For me, the only solution is to become as self-sustaining as possible, share the surplus with local community, and teach others. Keep growing, Michael Patti !