Author: jamesgroweverywhere

Terminator 6: Rise of The FarmBots

March 20, 2024


Well, this is slightly disturbing… One of my students is a well-known meme artist. Maybe you saw his work… before he got banned on every single platform. Speak Truth. Get Cancelled. You know the drill. Anyway.  He sent me this video of “The Future Of Farming”. Today, high-tech robots zoom through farms spraying chemicals at […]

We’ll Revolutionize Farming While We’re At It…

June 22, 2022


Well ladies and gents, looks like we’re not just revolutionizing home food production… We’re taking it FARM sized too! Not me personally, though. I’m just consulting and helping when I can… It’s my friends Azuraye and Charles of Yellow Barn Farm in Colorado. They’re putting my water-saving, double-yield growing method to the test for intensive annual […]

Nature’s Hidden Escape Route to Freedom…

March 3, 2022


A few weeks ago I disappeared into the jungle to speak at… Anarchapulco! Anarchapulco is an annual freedom event where thousands of activists gather to exchange ideas and help humanity live more free, sovereign lives. Topics of discussion ranged from cryptocurrency and off-grid living to spirituality and plant medicine. Per usual, I was there to blow minds, and […]

Empty Shelves… Here To Stay?

December 15, 2020


Did this happen to you? I went into my local store and the shelves were… EMPTY! Food GONE. Toilet paper GONE. Shelves totally stripped down naked. There were 3 packs of sausage left…  …normally there are 300. I had heard of these things happening in “3rd World” countries like Venezuela… but NEVER in the United […]

Handcuffed & Jailed… For Growing Vegetables?

May 4, 2020


Weird times… Back before “The Rona” came to town… A Michigan woman was arrested and faced 93 days of jail time for… …I kid you not… Growing vegetables! THE STORY: Julie’s vegetables were abundant and beautiful… but local authorities didn’t give a flying rats azz. She lived in an HOA that didn’t allow gardens in […]

Handcuffed & Jailed… For Growing Vegetables?

May 4, 2020


Weird times… Back before “The Rona” came to town… A Michigan woman was arrested and faced 93 days of jail time for… …I kid you not… Growing vegetables! THE STORY: Julie’s vegetables were abundant and beautiful… but local authorities didn’t give a flying rats azz. She lived in an HOA that didn’t allow gardens in […]

How to Grow Pineapple Indoors!

February 8, 2018


Pineapples аrе a tropical herbaceous perennial belonging tо thе brоmеlіаd fаmіlу. Thеу grоw tо аbоut 5 feet іn hеіght wіth a 3- tо 4-foot spread. Thе idea thаt ріnеаррlеѕ аrе аn exotic, decadent fruіt isn’t fаrfеtсhеd. Thеу were first іntrоduсеd tо Eurоре іn the 1700’s whеrе thеу were dеlісасіеѕ of great vаluе ѕоught after оnlу […]

The Great “Organic” Food Hoax

January 31, 2018


Americans have had the wool pulled over their eyes by food industry for the last 120 years… But hey, it was easy to do considering that America is such a “bandaid” culture. We love to cover up our problems with surface-level solutions (bandaids) instead of digging down and healing them at the ROOT. Classic example: […]

How to Grow Onions

January 25, 2018


Onions are a staple in many kitchens around the world. They not only enhance flavor, but will taste like pure satisfaction because they are the direct result of YOUR labor! It is easier to grow onions than many other vegetables because they are low maintenance plants. Onions can lend flavor to any dish. You can […]



Hi, I'm James! Here you can find resources and inspiration to help you grow your own REAL food with LESS time, money, and effort than you thought possible.


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