Terminator 6: Rise of The FarmBots

Well, this is slightly disturbing…

One of my students is a well-known meme artist.

Maybe you saw his work… before he got banned on every single platform.

Speak Truth. Get Cancelled. You know the drill.


He sent me this video of “The Future Of Farming”.

Today, high-tech robots zoom through farms spraying chemicals at break-neck speed.

It’s basically Indy 500 meets Nazi Germany.

These high speed Robots were designed for one purpose: Killing.

You can call me dramatic…

“Sheesh James, they’re only killing bugs with pesticides.”

Or are they?

Fact: pesticides cause disease and death in humans.

Even in small doses.

Everyone knows this… but we just keep buying the food they spray.

They spray.

We eat.

We get sick.

We wonder why.

They know why.

Enough is enough.

Food can either be medicine… or poison.

You decide.

If you choose “medicine” I’m here to help.

The Revolution Garden Method gives you double harvest with zero pesticides.

The secret is: pests only attack nutrient-deficient crops.

Luckily, Revolution Garden is specifically designed to maximize nutrient uptake in plants. 

100% Organic. No pesticides required. Ever.

Here’s the most recent regular garden versus Revolution Garden comparison photo from my Grow Lab:

^ this was grown indoors, but yes, you can do this outdoors too.

In fact, it grows better outdoors.

If you want fast, nutrient-dense growth without robots spraying liquid death on your food…

Join us in the Homegrown Food Revolution here.

Only YOU can stop the madness of modern agriculture.

Because it happens one backyard at a time.

Let’s make your backyard the next stop on the road to victory with Revolution Garden.

Keep growing, 


Terminator 6: Rise of The FarmBots

March 20, 2024

Posted In: Exposed

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We’ll Revolutionize Farming While We’re At It…

Well ladies and gents, looks like we’re not just revolutionizing home food production…

We’re taking it FARM sized too!

Not me personally, though. I’m just consulting and helping when I can…

It’s my friends Azuraye and Charles of Yellow Barn Farm in Colorado.

They’re putting my water-saving, double-yield growing method to the test for intensive annual vegetable farming.

And they are 80% finished with this MASSIVE farm-scale Revolution Garden.

Watch the video where I tour you through this 70 foot long greenhouse with 7 massive farm-scale Revolution Garden beds.

The growth from this thing is gonna be off the charts.

Luckily, the farm already has existing customers lining up to buy the produce.

They’re gonna need it!

Anyway, I hope this update video inspires you to get your garden thriving, or expand your existing garden for more.

You’ve got the knowledge.

Just need to put it in practice.

Keep growing,


P.S. What’s Revolution Garden?

Glad you asked.

It’s my crazy growing invention that grows like… well… crazy.

Double veggies. Half the time. And with 90% less water.
No, it’s not hydroponics or aquaponics. (whew, thank goodness.)

Learn more about it here.

We’ll Revolutionize Farming While We’re At It…

June 22, 2022

Posted In: Grow Everywhere Blog


Nature’s Hidden Escape Route to Freedom…

A few weeks ago I disappeared into the jungle to speak at…


Anarchapulco is an annual freedom event where thousands of activists
gather to exchange ideas and help humanity live more free, sovereign lives.

Topics of discussion ranged from cryptocurrency and off-grid
living to spirituality and plant medicine.

Per usual, I was there to blow minds, and inspire everyone how
Mother Nature holds the key to living a sovereign life free of The Matrix.


A real-life “Morpheus” hasn’t offered you the Red Pill yet?

You probably should grab a glass of water…

Otherwise the replay of my presentation (coming soon)
is gonna trigger the F outta you. LOL.

The lovely audience discovered:

—> Why just surviving in Modern Society costs so much damn money

—> One ancient technology you were born with that allows you to live free

—> My embarrassingly simple 3 step process for building good soil

–> The deep pyscho-illogical reason why Modern humans
were SO easily terrified by a microscopic organism

—> How NOT to run a gardening game show

—> The best nutrient-dense crops to grow in any garden

It’s an amazing event and I highly recommend you attend next year.

Getting to Acapulco is cheap.

You don’t need a mystery goo injection to go.

Plus, I have a 100% legal hack to avoid non-sensical
nasal rape upon returning to the USSA.

Or you can attend online…

But you’ll miss out on the tropical paradise part.

I met so many incredible humans, danced my face off, and blew minds.

The crowd literally RUSHED the stage after my presentation.

(Hmm maybe because I had 6 Revolution Garden Mastery Manuals
and tiny green monster stickers to give as gifts).

I’m not giving any manuals away for free (I reserve that for in-person events) but you can use the link above to get yours.

Watch the presentation here. Enjoy!

Keep growing,


Nature’s Hidden Escape Route to Freedom…

March 3, 2022

Posted In: Around the World, Rants and Raves


Empty Shelves… Here To Stay?

Did this happen to you?

I went into my local store and the shelves were…


Food GONE. Toilet paper GONE. Shelves totally stripped down naked.

There were 3 packs of sausage left… 

…normally there are 300.

I had heard of these things happening in “3rd World” countries like Venezuela… but NEVER in the United States of ‘Murica.

So tell me…

How Did You Feel When You Saw Empty Shelves? 



Maybe even…

Righteous? (“told you our food system is unsustainable!”)

I did.

Naked shelves were pretty unsettling… but oddly… 

They are NOT even the weirdest part of the story! 

See, I spoke to the grocery store manager to investigate…

I asked him when he thought they’d replenish their stock.

And what he said next made me very uncomfortable.

He said:

“I Have No Problem Restocking Next Week… It’s 7 Months From Now I’m Worried About!”

At first, I was confused…

Then I remembered everything I know about our industrialized, “on-demand” food system

Here’s the thing:

It would appear “The Rona” (coronavirus) broke our food system.

Truth is… it was already broken!

And based on my research… 

We could be in for a couple very rocky years in regards to food.

These potential food struggles ahead are due to a perfect storm.

It’s the combination of many factors, but mostly these two:

1. Big Ag’s Big Deception

2. “Rona” Related Supply Shocks

From what I’m seeing…

Our broken food system will not adapt well to what’s coming next.

That’s why WE need to adapt first… because things COULD get ugly.

Let me explain why NOW you need to be extremely aware of issues around food security, food availability, and of course, producing your own food supply at home.

And besides… 

Plandemic or no-plandemic…

Empty shelves or full-shelves…

Producing your food at home boosts your health and your immunity… 

It increases your sense of security… 

And gives you something exciting and satisfying(!) to share with your friends, your family, your kids or neighbors. 

Right? Right.

OK, now let’s talk food.

Food Crisis #1: 

Big Ag’s Big Deception & Our Hijacked Brains 

Long before the coronavirus killed “normal” and changed our entire way of life… 

There was a A LOT of groundwork laid set us up for a food system disaster.

See, 100 years ago, you couldn’t pay someone to eat canned food. 

People were literally terrified of canned food.

That’s because people were accustomed to either:

1. growing it themselves in their garden 
2. trading/bartering food items with a neighbor


3. going to a market, meeting with a friendly face who grew or raised the food, thereby ensuring immaculate quality of the food.

And then…

Until “Big Ag” Came Along & Hijacked Our Brains

Here’s what I mean…

Get a load of this Libby’s advertisement from roughly 100 years ago.

It shows the peaches falling into the can off the tree. 

It’s saying: 

“See, it’s just like the real thing from the orchard”. 

“It’s the S-A-M-E thing. It’s S-A-F-E for you to eat.”

Again, with the corn and peas advertisement here:

“Reach for Libby’s and get the best in the garden!”

They had to reassure people – the food inside this can IS real food!

Because people were EXTREMELY skeptical…

And they remained skeptical for decades.

These types of ad campaigns were necessary to get Americans to change their habits… this took decades of persistent ads..

Finally, Americans changed their buying and eating habits…


Slowly, the world switched from locally grown… to mass distribution food.

And behold…

Today, everything comes in cans… 

Everything comes from God knows where…

Everything is “grown” far far away from where it’s consumed.

Nobody stores or saves any food.

Why would you? It’s all “on-demand”.

But, sure enough, when the world goes into lockdown… 

The crops don’t get picked.

The trucks don’t run, and… 

The Shelves Go Bare…
Within Hours! 

How safe and secure does this make you feel?

Personally, I don’t trust it. Then again, I always knew this was coming.

Point is… 

First, Big Ag had to shift our psychology to create the destructive,distribution-dependent food system we are addicted to today…

First, they had to make us comfortable with the idea of our food coming from some far away unknown place.

Because around 100 years ago…

People had a DEEP connection with food.

They could TOUCH the food. 

SEE it growing. 

KNEW who grew it.

And they often grew or harvested it themselves.

In my opinion, our ancestors were very wise to be wary of long-distance food relationships… 

Because it took literal decades of mass marketing from packaged food companies to get people to change their beliefs, change their buying behavior, and finally buy foods distributed over loooong distances.
And now, we desperately need to un-brainwashourselves and change our mindset BACK to a sane way of producing food.

Otherwise, we’ll just get more of this…

(this is a lab rat, full of cancerous tumors… 90~ days after eating GMO corn)

And we’ll get more of this…

Today, people think food comes from farms and ONLY farms.

We’ve been trained to believe, food comes from “out there somewhere”.

Somewhere far, far away that requires a semi-truck and fossil fuels to get the food from point of production to point of consumption.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

And for most of human history… it never did.

For thousands of years, it looked like this…

For thousands of years, food always came from as close as possible to its point of consumption. 

It was just plain logic!

As you know, it’s my mission to get us back to these “Old Ways”. 

As you know by now…

It’s my personal MISSION to help resurrect and SPREAD the wisdom of these old ways… And how ancient people and indigenous cultures produced massive loads of food, with zero effort.

But first… 

Let’s get real about why NOW it’s suddenly more important than ever to bring food production back into our own hands.

Food Crisis #2:

“Rona” Related Supply Shocks  

If you thought our industrial food system was scary before “The Rona” (coronavirus) came to town… 

Boy, are you in for some surprises.

Now, I will preface what I’m about to show you with this…
I honestly DO NOT KNOW how bad things could get with food.

We are seeing food shortages in developing nations…

And it’s not just mainstream media narratives…

I got this email from a subscriber in Nigeria recently.

Turns out, they now have miles long locust swarms since biblical record.


Needless to say, I sent him all my trainings, free of charge.

Anyway, here’s what (supposedly) reputable sources are saying about the shifts ahead in our food supply…

Supply Chain Shock #1

Major Producers On Lockdown… Forever?

Major food exporting nations seem to have adopted a “take care of our own” policy. 

Places like…


India locked down the entire country.

Their food prices have risen nearly 10%…

The Indian government has halted ALL rice exports. They need to make sure they can feed their own 1,379,233,699 population first.

India is responsible for 33% of the world’s rice. 

So, now ⅓ of the world’s biggest staple crop just vanished off the market.

Of course, even I read that headline and thought:

“Oh sure, but that won’t affect ME…”
Then I went to the grocery store literally 1 hour after reading that… to find all the rice… totally out of stock.

Honduras & Guatemala

These major producers of coffee and other staple crops like bananas have all but shut down their ports. Their curfews are also reducing production significantly.


Ports in the Philippines, through which much of the world’s rice is shipped, are shut down.
TIME Magazine published this article, discussing how this actually has nothing to do with food supply, as harvests have been great. It’s a distribution issue, like I keep saying.

No one is sure how long these will last, but experts agree the effects on supply and price will last years, not months.

Bottom line?

If you’re dependent on food grown anywhere except your own yard, you are at the mercy of supply shocks and price increases.

You have ZERO control over that.

Compare that to how amazing it would feel to have an abundant harvest of vegetables, nuts, root crops, and other high-calorie foods from your yard… 
You have 100% control over that.

Next, let’s cover…

Supply Chain Shock #2

Farmers Go Bankrupt And Throw Away Food?

Get this.

Even though we have people starving in some areas of the world…


Wisconsin: Dairy farmers are dumping3.7 million gallons of milk down the drain per day.

Florida: vegetable growers are plowing under millions of pounds of vegetables.

Mississippi: Chicken farmers are breaking hundreds of thousands of chicken-hatching eggs, rather than raising the chicks for meat. 
That’s because restaurants saw a 95% drop in business and stopped ordering food. Many restaurants will go bankrupt and never reopen.

With restaurant demand vanishing, many farmers will struggle to stay afloat. Many will go into bankruptcy.

The Florida tomato farmer interviewed in the CBS News article above says:

“I’m just a small farm compared to some and I probably have in the neighborhood of 60,000 to 70,000 boxes that I’ll leave in the field,”

Sure enough, American Farm Bureau Federation said farm bankruptcies are

up 23% this year already, thanks to the plandemic.

Because of the sheer complexity…

We are seeing a total failure and collapse of this destructive,distribution-dependent food system.

I say “good riddance!” however, we need something better to replace it. 

OK, let’s cover possibly the most glaring supply shock yet…

Supply Chain Shock #3

Record Breaking Unemployment

46 million Americans are unemployed at the time I’m writing this.


According to a Forbes article, the unemployment rate is already HIGHER than that of the Great Depression.

Oh, and over 106 million loans are in forbearance (not making payments) totaling over $100B.
What does this mean for food?

Well, as you know, most Americans have less than $500 saved for emergencies. 

Which is crazy because apparently even Americans at “poverty level” spend 50% of their income on “luxury items”. 

I guess Starbucks Frappucinnos are more important than saving $ for a rainy day… or a plandemic day?

I digress. Anyway…

Millions of Americans are tapping their local food banks for assistance.

In fact, there’s been so much demand for food assistance, food banks are getting overwhelmed and closing their doors.

Here’s what some food bank administrators said in the above article:

Here’s what some food bank administrators said in the above article:

Aside from raising money, there are lingering concerns on where the food will come from in the near future. 

Chubbs is worried about “what this is going to look like 45 to 60 days from now, when we are all — not just the retail grocers but all 200 food banks in the country — trying to procure food from the same vendors.”

If those vendors cease to exist, this would add another yet another major hurdle. 

OK there you have it…

Our food system is in a huge mess and to say things are uncertain would be an understatement…

Again, I HAVE NO IDEA how bad this is going to get…

I have no idea if you’ll see food shortages or legit hunger in your area.

I honestly do not know if this will get worse… or better…

But Ya Know What?

WHY ON EARTH would I put myself into such a vulnerable position?! 

Why would YOU leave your food security to chance?

Especially if it’s completely unnecessary.

Especially because there is a simple solution to this food disaster.

It’s a solution that was actually developed 5,000+ years ago…

… and it’s been forced into the shadows by our destructive, transportation-based food system.

Now, it’s time we resurrect the old ways and take food production BACK where it belongs….

Your house!

If you have access to the Revolution Garden Training Materials, crack that baby open! 

It’s time to get growing!

If you haven’t got set up yet, you can always check out the Revolution Garden Complete Kits here.

Keep in mind, thanks to good-ole “Rona” I’ve had a heckofa time sourcing materials for these kits, so I’m honestly not sure how long we can keep offering them.

I think that will change in the next year, but for now, supplies are strictly limited.

Grab your kit now if you’re not set up already. 

Let’s grow!


James Fry

James Fry, Founder, GrowEverywhere.com
Empty Shelves… Here To Stay?

December 15, 2020

Posted In: Exposed, Rants and Raves


Handcuffed & Jailed… For Growing Vegetables?

Weird times…

Back before “The Rona” came to town…

A Michigan woman was arrested and faced 93 days of jail time for…

…I kid you not…

Growing vegetables!


Julie’s vegetables were abundant and beautiful… but local authorities didn’t give a flying rats azz.

She lived in an HOA that didn’t allow gardens in the front-yard because they were “unsightly”.

Seriously?… What Twilight Zone planet are we living on?

What sort of sick society stands by to watch a woman arrested and imprisoned for producing her most basic human need?

Today, it’s even worse…

Now Michigan actually banned people from buying seeds…

At a time when food-security is more important than ever. WHAT?

(“Attention Customers: Sorry for the inconvenience.This area is temporarily closed.”)


I’ve had ENOUGH of this totalitarian crap, .

Thank God, a much needed Food Revolution is already in the works…

See, my mission is to get more people growing…

And to get them growing so much, so fast, they fall in love with it… and never want to stop growing.

Because, if we all grow…

They can’t arrest all of us!

I’m doing everything in my power to help support my fellow rebels in the fight for clean, nutrient-dense food.

That’s why I created The Revolution Garden method for you.

By following this method, you grow double the food in HALF the time, and without weed pulling, pests battles, and non-stop daily watering… compared to the average garden.

The Revolution Garden

Look how fast it grows:

With this method, you can produce enough food for a family of 4 (or more) on ¼ acre.

It works indoors or outdoors.

It has nothing to do with hydroponics or aquaponics (AKA no fish)

Plus, I get to grow an abundance of nutrient-dense veggies YEAR-ROUND and don’t have to stress out over planting everything at exactly the right time.

For ALL the details on The Revolution Garden, watch this short video clip now:

Yes, this method is honestly, kinda bizarre.

It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or tried before. I can guarantee you that.

But if you want to…

Take back your health freedom…

Effortlessly grow armfuls of veggies from your own home and…

Never have reckless government jeopardize your food security…

Then The Revolution Garden is your ticket.

Go here for more details.


Join me in the fight for our food sovereignty.

My mission is to make The Revolution Garden the “next big thing” in home food production and propel the Food Revolution forward exponentially.


Handcuffed & Jailed… For Growing Vegetables?

May 4, 2020

Posted In: Exposed


Handcuffed & Jailed… For Growing Vegetables?

Weird times…

Back before “The Rona” came to town…

A Michigan woman was arrested and faced 93 days of jail time for…

…I kid you not…

Growing vegetables!


Julie’s vegetables were abundant and beautiful… but local authorities didn’t give a flying rats azz.

She lived in an HOA that didn’t allow gardens in the front-yard because they were “unsightly”.

Seriously?… What Twilight Zone planet are we living on?

What sort of sick society stands by to watch a woman arrested and imprisoned for producing her most basic human need?

Today, it’s even worse…

Now Michigan actually banned people from buying seeds…

At a time when food-security is more important than ever. WHAT?

(“Attention Customers: Sorry for the inconvenience.This area is temporarily closed.”)


I’ve had ENOUGH of this totalitarian crap, .

Thank God, a much needed Food Revolution is already in the works…

See, my mission is to get more people growing…

And to get them growing so much, so fast, they fall in love with it… and never want to stop growing.

Because, if we all grow…

They can’t arrest all of us!

I’m doing everything in my power to help support my fellow rebels in the fight for clean, nutrient-dense food.

That’s why I created The Revolution Garden method for you.

By following this method, you grow double the food in HALF the time, and without weed pulling, pests battles, and non-stop daily watering… compared to the average garden.

The Revolution Garden

Look how fast it grows:

With this method, you can produce enough food for a family of 4 (or more) on ¼ acre.

It works indoors or outdoors.

It has nothing to do with hydroponics or aquaponics (AKA no fish)

Plus, I get to grow an abundance of nutrient-dense veggies YEAR-ROUND and don’t have to stress out over planting everything at exactly the right time.

For ALL the details on The Revolution Garden, watch this short video clip now:

Yes, this method is honestly, kinda bizarre.

It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen or tried before. I can guarantee you that.

But if you want to…

Take back your health freedom…

Effortlessly grow armfuls of veggies from your own home and…

Never have reckless government jeopardize your food security…

Then The Revolution Garden is your ticket.

Go here for more details.


Join me in the fight for our food sovereignty.

My mission is to make The Revolution Garden the “next big thing” in home food production and propel the Food Revolution forward exponentially.


Handcuffed & Jailed… For Growing Vegetables?

May 4, 2020

Posted In: Exposed

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How to Grow Pineapple Indoors!

pineapple growing indoors

Pineapples аrе a tropical herbaceous perennial belonging tо thе brоmеlіаd fаmіlу. Thеу grоw tо аbоut 5 feet іn hеіght wіth a 3- tо 4-foot spread. Thе idea thаt ріnеаррlеѕ аrе аn exotic, decadent fruіt isn’t fаrfеtсhеd. Thеу were first іntrоduсеd tо Eurоре іn the 1700’s whеrе thеу were dеlісасіеѕ of great vаluе ѕоught after оnlу by thе vеrу wеаlthу.

Grоwіng ріnеаррlеѕ rеаllу іѕ vеrу simple. Bесаuѕе of their tоugh lеаvеѕ, thеу lose little water through еvароrаtіоn. They have ѕmаll rооt ѕуѕtеmѕ lіkе оthеr brоmеlіаdѕ, and аrе not fuѕѕу аbоut thе ԛuаlіtу оr ԛuаntіtу оf thеіr ѕоіl. Due to thіѕ, thеу mаkе еxсеllеnt соntаіnеr grоwn plants, еѕресіаllу nice fоr those оf uѕ whоѕе climate іѕ lеѕѕ thаn tropical. If уоu dо lіvе іn a wаrmеr region, grоwіng ріnеаррlе plants in the garden іѕ a match mаdе іn hеаvеn.

To start growing ріnеаррlеѕ, уоu’ll еіthеr nееd thе tор of a store-bought pineapple оr if уоu know someone thаt іѕ grоwіng thеіr own, ask fоr a sucker or slip. If you’re using the tор оf a purchased ріnеаррlе, mаkе ѕurе to rеmоvе аll thе fruit рulр аѕ well аѕ thе ѕmаll bоttоm lеаvеѕ. Rеmоvе the ѕmаll lеаvеѕ frоm the bоttоm оf the ѕuсkеrѕ tоо. Just рull thеm off.

Pineapple plants саn be рrораgаtеd frоm fresh pineapples рurсhаѕеd аt thе grосеrу ѕtоrе.

1. Choose a hеаlthу pineapple from thе ѕtоrе. The ріnеаррlе should ѕtіll hаvе grееn lеаvеѕ аttасhеd to thе tор аnd nоt have аnу mold оr bе еxсеѕѕіvеlу drіеd. If the ѕmаll lеаvеѕ іn the center оf the top рull оut easily, уоu ѕhоuld try a dіffеrеnt pineapple.

2. Cut the lеаvеѕ оff of the ріnеаррlе аt the роіnt whеrе the lеаvеѕ соmе оut at thе tор. Do not lеаvе аnу роrtіоn оf thе fruіtу раrt of the ріnеаррlе аttасhеd tо the lеаvеѕ.

3. Pull оff thе lower, оutеr leaves tо rеvеаl thе ѕtеm. Cоntіnuе rеmоvіng thе lоwеѕt lеаvеѕ untіl 5-10 lаrgеr lеаvеѕ are left plus the mаnу ѕmаll leaves hidden inside. This should еxроѕе 1/2 – 1 іnсh оf ѕtеm tіѕѕuе

4. Plасе the ѕhооt in some wаtеr аbоut 1/2 іnсh dеер. The bаѕеѕ оf thе leaves should not be rеѕtіng іn thе water. A drіnkіng glаѕѕ works wеll to kеер thе ѕhооt uрrіght. Thе wаtеr ѕhоuld bе сhаngеd еvеrу соuрlе оf dауѕ to рrеvеnt rоttіng.

5. Plасе the ѕhооt in a bright spot that rесеіvеѕ little оr no direct sunlight. Rооtѕ should bеgіn to fоrm wіthіn thе next few wееkѕ.

6. Aftеr the rооtѕ hаvе fоrmеd, your new pineapple plant саn be trаnѕfеrrеd into a pot оr gаrdеn lосаtіоn wіth wеll-drаіnіng ѕоіl.

Cаrе оf Pіnеаррlе Plants

Pineapples аrе fаіrlу drоught tolerant аnd can thrіvе with vеrу little wаtеr. If уоu аrе іn a low water аrеа, or if уоu nеvеr rеmеmbеr to wаtеr your plants, a thісk layer оf mulch should be incorporated tо rеduсе evaporation.

If уоu hаvе thе ріnеаррlе іn a роt, be sure it hаѕ wеll-drаіnіng soil and drаіnаgе hоlеѕ. Don’t drown thе ріnеаррlе bу оvеrwаtеrіng thоugh! Addіtіоnаl pineapple рlаnt саrе іѕ mіnіmаl. Pіnеаррlе lеаvеѕ uрtаkе most оf thеіr nutrіtіоn.

For thе fіrѕt few mоnthѕ after planting, just leave thе рlаnt alone — nо fertilizer, thаt іѕ. Aftеr thаt, уоu саn use lіԛuіd fеrtіlіzеr ѕuсh аѕ fіѕh еmulѕіоn оr seaweed еxtrасt. Mаkе a diluted ѕоlutіоn аnd uѕе a wаtеrіng саn tо apply tо thе ѕоіl аnd thе lеаvеѕ. Stау away frоm artificial оr соnсеntrаtеd fеrtіlіzеrѕ, which саn burn thе plant.


How to Grow Pineapple Indoors!

February 8, 2018

Posted In: How to Grow


The Great “Organic” Food Hoax

Americans have had the wool pulled over their eyes by food industry for the last 120 years…

But hey, it was easy to do considering that America is such a “bandaid” culture.

We love to cover up our problems with surface-level solutions (bandaids) instead of digging down and healing them at the ROOT.

Classic example: organic food.

“Oh no! Regular food is soaked in toxic chemicals! What ever will we do?”

“Never fear children, the USDA is here with our Organic Label (it’s a tiny little bandaid for vegetables).”

Yay! Now we can shop at Whole Foods and pretend everything is A-OK. Whew!


Yes, thanks to Canadian media (as if anything like this would ever be allowed in American mainstream news) we now know that 50% of produce labeled organic and sold in America is contaminated with harmful levels pesticides that exceed USDA and EPA regulations.

Yup, you’re paying double to eat pesticides anyway.

If you want more proof, check out this document published by the USDA (the folks who run the organic program).


Sure enough, on page 6 (highlighted below in yellow) it clearly states:

So… Why Are Certified Organic Foods Covered in Cancer Causing Pesticides?

It’s simple how it works, really…

It’s called Pesticide Overspray.

1. First, a big monoculture Monsatano-style farm sprays their crops with cancer causing pesticides.

And yes, for any Monsatano funded trolls reading this, there is overwhelming scientific proof that pesticides do cause cancer.

2. Next, the wind picks up the pesticides and blows them around…

3. The Pesticides land on organic farms, contaminating the crops.

NOTE: Typically organic family farms are run by hardworking, dirt-loving stewards of the Earth who try their darndest to produce quality food… but Pesticide Overspray contaminates their crops.

Organic farmers are NOT at fault.

What’s most concerning is that people don’t know this is happening (and that’s why I’m writing this article).

The wool has been pulled over our eyes.

We’re led to believe organic food is safe

But it’s not.

I call it The Great “Organic” Food Hoax.

Organic label produce is no different than conventional produce because it STILL has pesticides on it.

LOL Seriously? The USDA Straight Up Allows Pesticide Produce to be Sold as “Organic”…

Of course, the USDA knows that pesticide overspray is unavoidable and impossible to control.

Get a load of this…

This is an excerpt from the USDA report featured above:

“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes the maximum allowed levels of pesticides, or EPA tolerances, which may be present on foods. Although most EPA-registered pesticides are prohibited in organic production, there can be inadvertent or indirect contact from neighboring conventional farms or shared handling facilities.

As long as the operator hasn’t directly applied prohibited pesticides and has documented efforts to minimize exposure to them, the USDA organic regulations allow residues of prohibited pesticides up to 5 percent of the EPA tolerance.

No doubt, it’s gotta be tough to control pesticide overspray in a country where 95% of all farmland gets sprayed with pesticides and 1 billion pounds of pesticides per year are applied…

But that does not make it OK…

Pesticides are extremely dangerous, even in extremely low-level doses.

Similar to radioactive molecules, pesticide chemicals can actually become more dangerous as they break down.

This study from UCLA concluded that 11 commonly used pesticides increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease by 80% even in very low concentrations.

PERSONAL NOTE: I have a close friend who suffers from early stage Parkinson’s disease. This friend struggles to function normally every day… I kills me to imagine what will happen as the disease progresses.

So… I just popped your organic bubble.

Now, how can you eliminate toxic pesticides from your food supply?

Can you avoid being contaminated by these lethal poisons?

Answer: YES

The Solution That Heals Pesticide Contamination at the Root

But it will involve a shift in behavior and mindset.

No longer can you regard the grocery store as a place for safe food.

Instead, you have to step up and take 100% responsibility for your food.

You have to take Extreme Ownership of your food.

By growing it yourself.

Sure, growing all of it yourself on day 1 is a tall order.

But you have to start somewhere.

Even growing some of your own nutrient-dense food will help keep your body free of carcinogenic pesticides and agro-toxins.

Practical Action Steps to Pesticide Free Living

Step 1: If you don’t have a garden yet. Start one. A simple 2 foot by 2 foot wood on your patio will do. Or try container gardening.

Step 2: If you have a single family home with a backyard, learn about Backyard Homesteading.

You can produce enough food for a family of 4 (or more) on ¼ acre.

You can produce even more than that if you use some of the methods like The Revolution Garden I’ve developed and share here on Planet Grow Everywhere.

Look how fast it grows:

For ALL the details on The Revolution Garden, watch this short video clip now:

Get Access to The Revolution Garden Online Training Right Here

Offer ends April 11th 11:59pm MST so register now!

Step 3: Form relationships with other gardeners, market gardeners, and farmers in your area.

How? Visit the farmers market and talk to people selling things.

These people WANT your business and you WANT their fresh food.

My favorite part about this is that you can trade and barter goods or services, thereby cutting out Federal Reserve Dollars (an instant 50% savings because you’re not paying any taxes on the transaction).

Look for sellers who are growing in greenhouses and located in areas away from conventional farms where pesticides are applied.

Your Best Bet to Eliminate Pesticides…

However, the best way to eliminate pesticides from your diet is to grow it yourself at home. You’ll know for a fact it’s clean.

There’s nothing more satisfying that growing your own clean, nutrient-dense produce and sharing it with your family and friends.

As always, keep growing

The Great “Organic” Food Hoax

January 31, 2018

Posted In: Exposed


How to Grow Onions

Onions are a staple in many kitchens around the world.

They not only enhance flavor, but will taste like pure satisfaction because they are the direct result of YOUR labor!

It is easier to grow onions than many other vegetables because they are low maintenance plants. Onions can lend flavor to any dish.

You can easily harvest garden fresh onions right outside your back door. All you need is just a little effort and to follow these steps.

Plant Family and Companions

Onions belong to allium family and their other family members are chives, leek, and garlic.

Many varieties of onions are available including bulb onions, multiplier or perennial onions, tree or Egyptian varieties, welsh onions or spring onions, yellow onions and sweet onions.

Depending on the variety, onions can be pungent, tangy, mild or sweet.

Onions are categorized as long and short day varieties. Long day onions are predominantly grown in North America and Europe.

Methods to Plant

Many onion varieties can be grown by planting seeds, by using onion sets or by transplanting onion plants into the garden.

It’s advisable to grow onions by transplanting onion plants and through onion sets because it requires long daylight hours approximately 15 hours to grow onions by planting seeds into the garden.

Onion sets are like small bulbs less than 1 inch in diameter, which are grown in a year before actually growing the onions.

These sets can grow into mature bulbs the following year.
Transplants or seedlings are preferred in areas with shorter seasons where the seeds are planted indoor, watered regularly and transplanted back in the garden when it is right season.

Soil Preparation

Onions are cool season plants so they grow well in a loose soil that drains well. Add manure to your soil and fertilize it almost a week before planting the onions. Keep watering the soil occasionally for steady growth. They need a weed-free area because the presence of weeds around the bulbs hampers proper development.


In North America the best time to plant is the spring season usually mid-March to April. Onions fight well against frost so onions can grow well in any climatic conditions. Feel free to plant early as long as you have frost cloth.

If you are planting the seeds then set them 1 inch apart and 3/4in below the soil. Sow them in rows with 1 foot spacing in between. When planting sets, leave them around 4 inches apart, then dig a small hole and place the set with the neck upwards.

A great way to ensure a healthy crop is by using a greenhouse which will prevent weather fluctuations from affecting the crop.


Green versions (chives or the “leafy” part of the onion) can be harvested when they are still young and green to get a milder flavor. Once dried, sometimes become red, white, or yellow in color.

They are harvested once their tops are withered completely and skin becomes dry like a paper. This indicates that the root/bulb is fully developed.


Though green onions cannot be stored for a long period, you can keep them green and fresh for few days by putting them in a water jar.

Dry onions can be stored for months in a cool, dry and ventilated place with temperature ranging from 35 degrees F to 40 degrees F.

Now go out there and plant some mofogin onions!

How to Grow Onions

January 25, 2018

Posted In: How to Grow

One Comment

The Dirt on America’s Disease “Epicdemic” – Where Did All The Nutrients Go?

When your grandparents ate an orange…

They got a huge dose of Vitamin C.


You’d have to eat EIGHT (yes 8) whole oranges to get the
dose of Vitamin C!

What the heck happened?

That juicy orange you buy at the store sure LOOKS delicious, right?

Yeah, well… there’s nothing in it anymore.

The store-bought fruit and vegetables you eat are mostly empty… Devoid of nutrients.

(yes, even the ones you pay double for at Whole Foods my darlings)

And I’m not the only lunatic talking about this…

Here’s an article from Scientific American diving into the stats.


WHY is this a problem?

HOW did we let this happen?

Allow me to explain…

I’m amazed by just how little the average Modernized Humanoid Cyborg (MHC) understands about Earth and it’s connection to their primitive human body.

Sooo, to explain what I consider common sense, I’ll use simple diagrams so any goldfish-attention-spanned millennial can understand in 8 seconds or less.

But first, let’s cover the pre-reqs, shall we?

“C’mon James, Who Needs Nutrients Anyway?”

Many Americans seem to think if they eat enough cheetos to fill their hungry belly, they might get lucky and live to 100 (unless they get hit by a bus while texting).

Because remember: as modern humans whose technology solves everything for them, the sole purpose of eating is to satisfy hunger.

After all, your body is just like a car that goes vroom vroom! The engine just needs fuel when the tank runs empty.

And, that is why The Colonel in all his glory bestowed $5 Fill Ups upon us!

Sorry folks, it doesn’t work that way…

Here’s how it does work:

Your cells require a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats to replicate properly.

Your DNA needs these vital building blocks to replicate, rebuild, and repair itself. If the DNA becomes weak and breaks (from lack of nutrients or exposure to a toxic pesticide) it produces mutant cells.

DNA mutations cause cancer and other diseases.

(for more nerdy details, checkout this dense scientific article.)

It’s simple… as the nutrients in soil and food disappear, our levels of disease skyrocket.

This chart shows the correlation between available nutrients in soil/food and increase of diseases caused by mineral deficiency.

Newsflash: 2,500 Americans are dying of cancer PER DAY.

That’s almost the number of people who were killed on 9/11… except they’re dying every single damn day people!

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that as we give our bodies LESS of what they’ve needed over the last several eons, we F ourselves up.

But, as Dr. Linus Pauling (two-time Nobel Prize winner) said…

“Nearly all disease can be traced to a nutritional deficiency.”

The cause of our health problems is stupidly simple – and yet the “we’re finding a cure for cancer” foundations trick you into donating your hard earned money to their futile research.

(NOTE: Yes, cancer is serious and I have personally been impacted by the disease… but our way of approaching “a cure” is utterly ridiculous, and from what I gather, shockingly corrupt. I recommend diving into Dr. Pauling’s research)

The cure to our cancer epidemic is to eat nutrient-dense foods without carcinogenic pesticides.

Boom. Solved. Please send the Nobel Prize for Obviousness to the address listed below. We can skip the award ceremony. Thanks.

Now, you might be wondering WHERE did all the nutrients go?

How do we get those nutrients BACK into our soil and into our food?

Where’d All Them Nutrients Go Anyway??

Feast your eyes on this chart from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The death of soil is a well known fact, heavily researched and documented by the USDA since the 1930s as evidenced by this 1936 article published by the US Senate.


Well looky there… minerals in soil are disappearing.

But where are they going?

Again, the answer is embarrassingly simple:

Step 1: Farmers grow crops.

Step 2: Crops are shipped to the city (right after they’re picked early and sprayed with argon gas to ripen).

Step 3: City slickers spend bookoo bucks on these crops and eat them.

Step 4: City slickers digest and excrete the crops in the form of poop.

Step 5: The poop floats away to a waste treatment plant via modern day plumbing

Step 6a: The poop water is then blasted with chemicals, the water is separated out, and the poop sludge gets dumped into a landfill.

Step 6b: The poop water is flushed into a river, lake, or ocean.

Step 7: The undigested minerals and nutrients NEVER make it back to the farm where they originated.

This is a classic example of the broken cycles of the modern world that destroy our planet and our health.

We forget that Earth is a living, breathing organism that regenerates itself and that WE play a critical role in keeping Earth’s natural cycles intact.

PROBLEM: All that poop FULL of undigested minerals and nutrients is NOT making it back to the farm where the food originally came from.

The “Simple as Sh*t in a Bucket” Solution

For some reason, our advanced technological society just couldn’t figure out how to not drink the SAME water we poop in…

Yes, the water you crap in gets “treated” with loads of chemicals and then pumped back to your faucet for you to drink and bathe in.


Here’s what we should be doing instead:

Step 1: Do your biz in a 5 gallon bucket and cover your dung with wood shavings.

Remarkably, this smells 10x less bad than when you air drop human excrement into a giant bowl of water. Go figure.

If you wanna get fancy, you can add dried lavender flowers and activated charcoal to the wood shavings mix to eliminate the smell even more.

Step 2: Toss it in a pile outside and let it compost for 2~ years (killing all the scary pathogens that supposedly live in it).

Step 3: Use it to grow amazing vegetables in your garden.

Step 4: Eat the vegetables and enjoy vibrant health without cancer or fatal, life-limiting disease.

Again, see below for my address to send the Nobel Prize for Obviousness. Thanks.

For more detail, you can buy a copy of The Humanure Handbook by Joseph C. Jenkins which has sold 60,000+ copies despite the fact that every book publisher on Earth refused to publish it because the topic is “gross”.

Sigh… But hey, what can you expect from squeamish Modernized Humanoid Cyborgs who think cheese comes from plants and girls don’t poop?

If you’re not as hardcore as most people reading this blog post who have already stopped reading and are feverishly searching their garage for a spare 5 gallon bucket…

Don’t worry.

You’ll eventually warm up to the idea…

Just wanted to plant the seed in your soil.

Thoughts on this rant?
I’d love to read your comments below and continue the discussion.

Keep growing,


James Fry

The Dirt on America’s Disease “Epicdemic” – Where Did All The Nutrients Go?

January 16, 2018

Posted In: Rants and Raves




Hi, I'm James! Here you can find resources and inspiration to help you grow your own REAL food with LESS time, money, and effort than you thought possible.


Here at GrowEverywhere.com you can find resources and inspiration to help you grow your own REAL food with LESS time, money, and effort than you thought possible.