Author: jamesgroweverywhere

5 Inspiring Stories of City Buildings Turned Into Gardens

January 9, 2018


City living is often inherently associated with the “concrete jungle”. When picturing life in an urban center, it’s easy to think only of miles of pavement and sky-high condos. But the truth is that more and more urban planners, developers, city-dwellers are catching on to the ways that nature can thrive in conjunction with a […]

Behind the Greens…

June 22, 2015


Howdy there! This is quick “Behind the Greens” video I did for Aquaponics Success Formula Members Only so you can see just what you can expect from even a small system (Add-a-Ponics Basic shown here). Enjoy! As always, ask questions below if you have them!

The *other* V1RUS… & the “Flame Keepers” to cure it…

May 7, 2014


Let me tell you a story… …about the important role you play in the Food Revolution. A few years ago, I traveled to India and stayed for 62 days… After squeezing by an angry bull on a narrow bridge… Facing down a monkey who stole my bananas… And finding a giant black scorpion in my […]

Interview With Joel Salatin: Why Should People Grow Their Own Food?

November 25, 2013


A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of talking with Joel Salatin after his inspirational speech in at the annual Fort Collins Sustainable Living Fair. I asked him several questions about home food production in America. He shed some light on the reasons why people don’t grow their own food and how we can […]

Reaching food autonomy… in his swimming pool!

November 25, 2012


Over the Thanksgiving holiday I was back in Arizona and had the great opportunity to stop by the Garden Pool and interview the creator Dennis McClung. In the interview I ask him a few questions about what inspired the Garden Pool, how much time he invests in it and what he is able to produce […]

Mission Accomplished: First Aquaponics System in Earthship Installed!

November 2, 2012


I first learned about the Earthship concept when I was in middle school. It made perfect sense to me and really appealed to my practicality. Little did I know I would be building Earthships one day… Before attending the Earthship Academy this summer I did a great deal of research on Earthships. I read every […]

Upcoming Chicken Coop Building Workshop!

October 22, 2012


Come build this chicken coop! Next week I will be leading an Earthship style building workshop here in Boulder. We will build a rad looking chicken coop out of bottles, cans, and tires using some of the skills I learned at Earthship Biotecture in Taos NM. If you or anyone you know is interested in […]

Interview with Geoff Lawton: Can Aquaponics Be Part of Permaculture?

October 16, 2012


I was recently in Melbourne Australia to do a PDC with Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton. Here is a short interview I did with Geoff Lawton, master permaculturist and founder of the Permaculture Research Institute (PRI), Australia. In the video I ask him three important questions on how aquaponics relates to permaculture and how the […]



Hi, I'm James! Here you can find resources and inspiration to help you grow your own REAL food with LESS time, money, and effort than you thought possible.


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